Go Tech!!
Go Tech!!
Go Tech!!
Found four raccoons in a dumpster while #mountainbiking at the state park this morning. #gross #wildanimals
Go eagles!! #tlcafootball #eaglenation
Free Rocket Pops at #Stangos today #freestuff
Nice tackle @b_cox25
@angiecox93 is an amazing cook.
I have this 100 Push-ups app on my phone in hopes that someday I’ll actually use it. #nomotivation #wouldratherdoanythingelse #pushups
#texastech is so fast even #sportscenter can’t keep up. It’s 35 to 7.
#eaglenation at Ranger. Go #tlca JV
Wish I could hunt dove on my back porch. #doveseason
Thinking about changing my dog’s name to Si. #duckdynasty
Looks like @angiecox93 and I are do a coffee date. #starbucks #freestuff #datenight
Finished! #under5hours #rookieyear #hotternhell #hotternhell2013 #cycling
Camping in the parking lot at #hotternhell ride in Wichita Falls. #cycling #100mileride
Loaded up and ready. #HHH