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3/4 of Us Running Now

Well my wish is coming true. I have dreamt of the day that our whole family can go jog together. We are 3/4ths of the way there. Jogging is my favorite hobby and I would love to do that with my family. I have always wanted to jog with Angie just to have the time together and I have been inviting Braden to jog with me since he was seven. Neither have been to excited until just recently. Angie has been jogging with me now for over two months and is doing great. We run a mile, walk a 1/4 mile, run another mile, walk another 1/4 mile and then run 3/4 of a mile and then walk the last 1/4. Our island is 3 1/2 miles in circumference. We average 9:25 on the running portions. I didn’t want to push Braden too hard as I didn’t want him to rebel against running and never run. So out of the blue yesterday he asked me if I would run with him in the morning time. Since I run with Angie 3 days a week in the evenings (the other 3 days I run my own workout) I thought I could add a little to my schedule and run in the mornings with him. I woke him up at 6:30 am and he had slept in his running clothes and was ready to go. I was so proud of him. He ran a full mile without stopping…. Braden ran 10:37 for his very first mile. He is ready to go again in the morning. So in all now, I am running about 20-25 miles per week and I average about 7:50 per mile on my own runs. I guess the fish and rice is good for the diet. As you know I am a geek with these things and log all of the miles, splits, heart rates, shoes, etc. I am not sure why I do this, but I do. Anyway, just wanted you to know that we are staying healthy. On my runs with Angie and Braden, I am secretly challenging them to enter a 5k run when we are in the states later in 2007. I am sure they will both be up for it and perhaps could run together.

The weather is just absolutely stunning here these days. I was up at 5:30 this morning and it was so quiet and the sunrise was unbelievable. Tonight while Angie was cooking dinner, I sat out on our balcony and took some pictures of the moon.. thought you might enjoy them. It’s really hard to photograph the moon so forgive my amateur work. I left the shutter open for longer than a 1/60th of a second so the leaves on the trees and the moon are a little bit blurred.



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