Back By Request
It has been requested by a blog fan that I make another “funny entry!” I'll give it a shot. By the way, thanks for the compliment Joel.
Our Kyndal has made it through another year. She's now a very mature little 9-year-old. Which is good, because the month before her birthday she was telling everyone that her age was “8 and five-quarters.” We tried to explain that this was a mathmatical impossibility, but it sounded right to her! Anyway, the birthday party was quite an experience . . . She decided to invite the 11 other girls in her class. No problem. That didn't sound like an overwhelming task. So she and I got creative and made the invitations with pictures of My Little Pony that we had colored. We used my scrapbooking supplies (yes, Aunt B, the ones I NEVER use for scrapbooking!) and made some pretty cute little invites. She delivered them at school 2 days before the party. Here, that's all the notice you give and that's all that is needed. So anyway, a couple of the (rowdy) boys got ahold of one of the cards and began to copy the information down, promising that they would show up at the party. This sent Kyndal into a total tail spin. She adamantly stated to me that she was having an all-girl party so that she could get away from those boys, and they were definitely not welcome at this party. I told her we would wait and see what happened on Friday, the day of the party. So party day finally came. We purchased the famous islander snack, “shorteats” from a cafe on our island, bought some pastries from a bakery on the main island, and baked a cake at home. We decorated our terrace and waited for party time, 5 pm. By 5:30, we had two guests, Kyndal's best school friend and her cousin, who was invited by word of mouth. By 6 pm, we had four friends from Kyndal's class and a few guests that they had brought! All girls, much to Kyndal's relief! We played games, listened and danced to music, and ate shorteats and birthday cake. The party ended at 6:30, and left Kyndal a happy girl. Happy birthday to our baby!