Boat Tour
I just got back from a week long boat tour. I took two guests to a new area. We met many new friends, walked on an island with a population of only 40 people. Every island seemed so friendly and my ability to speak in the native language is getting better. Many of the islanders on the island spoke to me in their language and I was able to communicate. I am sure it was “cave man” talk on my end, but we communicated none the less. Yay me! The tourists had a really nice time and I think they will go back and tell their friends about our business.
I just finished a great book that I have to rave about. Read “Blessed Child” by Bill Bright and Ted Decker. It was wonderful. Definitely in my top ten list.
Later this week, we will be hosting some teens from Dubai that are doing a community service project on my island. They will be speaking at two schools and meeting with environment clubs. The teens are trying to inform and motivate the local teens to do something about the pollution problem here in the islands. I think it is a great project that will enhance the living conditions of the locals.