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Bump Update…

Thought I would give a brief update on the bump on the back of my head. It’s really strange. It has gone down a little, but the sharp pains are still there. Seems like it has moved up a little higher. Took my round of antibiotics and the lymph nodes in my neck went down significantly.

I’m planning a quick trip to India in the next couple of days. That sounds kind of strange huh? Quick trip to India? Anywho, I have to do some banking stuff as well as pick up Angie’s medicine that we cant get here in the islands. I thought while I was there, I would have my head examined. (No sarcastic comments Big Sis.)

By the way, sorry for those of you who could not see the pics I posted the other day. Pilot error on my part. I fixed it though. You should be able to see them now….



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