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Busy, Busy, Busy

Its been a crazy week. I have been trying to catch up from being on an Adventure Tour a couple of weeks ago and now I am getting ready to be gone for another week. Catch up, fall behind, catch up, fall behind. Can anyone relate? I know you think we have nothing to do and we live on an island… how hectic can it be? Well, I guess life is as hectic as you let be… no matter where you live.

Kyndal got an water raft and a watch for her birthday. She got a lot of other cool stuff from her friends on the island. She also got some cash from the grand-parents and family.

Ok, welp, I’m off to Dubai tonight for a week. Pray that my family will be safe while I am gone. We have some really great friends that watch the family while I’m gone and help them if they need anything…. no worries.



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