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Calm Before The Storm

We had our first group of Adventure Tourist come in yesterday. David took them on the Adventure. All is well. I have some clients coming in this evening at 1AM. I have to get them to their hotel and off on a flight tomorrow. The Adventure group gets back on Friday. Several of the guests are staying around to dive for a few days. Our next group gets in on Sunday. This group will hang around our island and lead a basketball camp. Fun times. I think we are all set for the basketball camp. We are trying to launch a league in February. We really want to help our island community by helping develop life skills. A structured activity that will involve parents and local mentors is really needed. The children on the island need something constructive to do. Perhaps this will be it. We have another Adventure Group coming in on Nov 5. It seems to be a juggling act right now getting all the logistics settled. I know its just the calm before the storm. The run-off election for our country’s president is right in the middle of the basketball camp and the current president has already declared two of the days to be public holidays. We will make good use of the time and perhaps more adults will be able to attend the clinic during the day where we will teach how to run a league. More later…



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