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Cloudy Day

San Angelo (and the whole state of Texas) is in a severe drought. Our lakes are low, we can only water our lawns once a week and we desperately need rain.

I woke up several times last night and could hear rain. It was so refreshing. The clouds were nice for the TLCA Eagles as they had a scrimmage in Winters today. Of all days for it to rain…. the day I’m sitting in the bleachers watching a football game. I will not complain about the rain. Im ready for it to fall on whoever and whenever as long as it falls. However, I will complain about the piece of junk umbrella I had at the game. It was so frustrating.

Braden did great. He played great. The rain made it difficult to catch the ball. Blocking was his strength. He is happy 2-a-day practice is over and is ready for the next game.

The clouds burned off and I went for a jog this afternoon. I’m trying to get back into the running groove. Ughh.



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