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Fishing Trip

I just hosted a couple of guests on a fishing trip. I've never been a fisherman, but I absolutely love spending the week on a local fisherman's boat. We are on the boat by 6:00AM headed out to look for bait fish. The sunrise was beautiful every day. The sun would slowly peek over an island would turn the sky different colors of orange, blue and white. The weather was calm so the sea was like glass most of the time. The first day was a little slow. It took us a while to catch the bait fish and then our pump broke that circulates water in the live well. This was foreshadowing of the day. We used a net to catch the first bait fish and then tossed them into the water in another location to catch the bigger bait fish. Our second catch was a little low as well, but we still had enough to head out to the open sea to catch the big ones. The second bait is about a foot long and goes on a pretty good sized hook. We were fishing for marlin, wahoo, or dorado. We had a marlin on the line for about 30 seconds before he cut the line. We then lost 4 or 5 wahoo. It was not a productive day as far as fishing, but the time on the boat with the crew was rich. I've made this trip many times and it seems the guys on the boat really like us now instead of just tolerate us. The fishing trip is tough, but worth it. All day in the sun is brutal. I'm not sure how these fishermen do it. I put sunscreen on all day and still come back burned. We spent three days on the boat and one day on an uninhabited island. It was a lot of fun and I think the guests really enjoyed it. We got some great pictures and one of my guests got a really great video of stingray… I'll try to get that uploaded soon.



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