Gettin Educated
Well, we're coming to the end of our third week of school and for this homeschool family, it's been a challenge to master the tasks of getting the ponytails up, hair gelled, shoes on, and teeth brushed for the 7:10 bus ride to the 7:20 ferry ride. Check. We're doing well. It feels strange that Tuesday is “Humpday” (Is that just a Texas phrase, or does everyone know that Wednesday is really Humpday, the day of the week you get over the hump?!) Anyway, Tuesday is our midweek, and Thursday is Friday!!! And there are a few other things we're getting educated on. For instance, the subject of Math has now become “Maths.” Don't know who decided to make it plural, but it's on all the Maths books! And the other night, Kyndal was checking with me on the spelling of the word “color.” In class that day, they had spelled it “colour.” I had to admit that both were acceptable.
There's apparently an upcoming major event that we have yet to be educated on . . . Rainy Season on a boat! When we tell anyone that we live on one island, but our kids go to school on another, we can almost count on their response to be something along the lines of, “just wait until rainy season” or “how will you manage in the rainy season?” This won't be the first rainy season we've experienced, of course, and it's true that in the past we have avoided the boats on rainy days, if possible. The view from our balcony tells us it's a wild ride; however, we plan to board the boat, hang on tight, and pretend it's a ride at Disneyland that we've waited all day to ride! In a couple of months, we'll let you know.