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Gross Stuff

My sister asked me to comment on the photos Bug Run. Yeah it’s kind of gross. I was out for a jog and ran through a lot of bugs. I had so much sweat on me that the bugs didnt have a chance. They stuck to me like glue. I didnt realize I had them on me until I got home. The family got a big laugh out of it and thought it would be….[quick break here… I just saw a huge roach crawl across the room…. he is dead now.] Ok, where was I, yeah, the family thought it was picture worthy.

Ok, I think I just learned something. Here in the islands, critters like lizards, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, and mice are just inevitable. Everybody has them. Well we dont have all the little critters but anyway. Ocassionally we have a cockroach cruise through our house (sometimes flying) So the cockroach was scooting across the floor so I quickly grabbed my running shoe that was by the door and smacked him. I then went to get the fly swatter to pick him up (I cant just use a napkin… it just gives me the willies to feel him crush between my fingers) and throw him in the toilet. Well he scurried all the way to Braden and Kyndal’s room before I could squash him. So when I picked him up, the kids bathroom was right there. The door had been shut since I cleaned on Saturday. When I opened the door, there was a pleasant and clean smell in the bathroom. Very surprised as this bathroom in particular carries a distinct and unclean-able odor. I realized that after I had mopped the house on Saturday, I poured the mop water in the shower drain of the kid’s bathroom. The cleaner smell is still there. I guess the mop water filled the trap and is blocking the nasty smell from coming up the drain. We may have to pour mop water down the drain every couple of days. Huh, what do you know? So that’s the gross stuff for now. I’m sure there will be more.



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I am Bobby Cox. I write and keep photos in a blog because I want a record of my journey. I share it in hopes that my life might be a blessing to others.

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