If you have known me for any length of time, you probably know that I am an idea guy. I love ideas. The other day, I walked into the kitchen and said to Angie, “Hey, I just had an idea.” She said, “I should have known you just took a shower.” Most of my ideas originate in the shower… I guess that is because I have no one to visit with, so I just think up new ideas. Well I love ideas and I really like to see them happen. So for several weeks now, I have been trying to take an idea and make it become reality. I was thinking about the community where I live and was trying to think of ways that I can personally invest in them. I ask myself, “What do the islanders need and what do I have to offer. The idea of creating a language school came to my mind. Angie said that this ideas was one of the best I've ever had (she has heard a lot of my ideas… I mean a lot) and could really see it benefiting my neighbors. So I tossed the idea to my good friend and language coach. He has done some checking with getting permission to start the language center and has come back with favorable results. We have been thinking about it, formulating a plan waiting for direction. My initial plan involves, inviting Americans (college students, graduates, empty nesters, etc.) to come to the islands to teach a 3 month English coarse to locals. The classes would focus on adults that know little to know English. The idea is still in the beginning stages, but I can see that it is begining to take shape. My next step is to put the plan on paper, present it to some guys that help advise me on decisions and see what is needed to move forward. What do you think? I know there are a lot of logistics to see this idea come to fruition. I have thought of many of them and just have not listed them here. A key to make the whole thing work is getting volunteers from the USA to commit to a semester (3-6 months). Do you think I could find some takers? Pass the thoughts around to your friends and see anybody sounds interested. It will likely be 6-9 months before we could offer our first class. Listen to me, I'm already of thinking about a start date and I'm not sure if I have a viable plan and have yet to count the cost. Well, I am the idea guy! I'll keep thinking about it.