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In the USA

We made it to the USA. The trip was not too bad. I guess we are getting used to traveling now. We left the islands at 2:30 AM on the the 16th and arrived at JFK at 3:00 in the afternoon. Since there is a 10 hour time change… that is just about 24 hours of traveling. Our flight to Dallas was cancelled and we had to overnight in New York. At first, I was not too happy about this, but when my head hit the pillow in the hotel at 7:30 PM, I was quite happy. We caught the first flight to Dallas the next day. We had to leave the hotel by 5:30 AM, but that wasn’t a problem either as we were awake by 4:00 AM… time change does that to you.

Bobby’s dad was waiting at DFW with the loaner van. He bought a van for us to use while we are in the States. Thanks PawPaw. We are staying in a loaner house that is right around the corner from where Bobby’s parents live. Its a really sweet deal.

We drove to Brownwood yesterday. Angie’s parents moved from Lubbock to Brownwood this past year. We are heading to a family reunion this weekend.

Some of my friends from the islands demanded that I update my blog while I traveled. So Nasha, this one is for you. Enjoy.



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