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It All Starts Here

It’s beginning to look a lot like school time around here. Kyndal got some new shoes. She is a lot like me. I love getting new stuff and I immediately want to wear it. I’d wear it out of the store if they would let me. Angie has been buying school supplies and clothes getting ready for the big day… The first day of school…Aug 20.

Braden started football practice today. He absolutely loves it. He could play football everyday of his life. I stopped by and watched for about 15 minutes. He came home tired, but not completely exhausted. He has been diligent about running and lifting weights throughout the summer. He was determined to be in good physical shape when practice started. He did it. I’m so proud of him. Football is teaching him a lot about sportsmanship, leadership, and discipline. He’s a good kid.

I started back running again today. Well, it’s not like I ever really stop, but I go through seasons where I only run once a week or so. I determined today that I’m going to train for another marathon. I do better when I have a goal out in front of me. Let’s see if I can keep it up.



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I am Bobby Cox. I write and keep photos in a blog because I want a record of my journey. I share it in hopes that my life might be a blessing to others.

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