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Just Another Day @ the Bank

When you think about going to the bank, typically you think, “I’ll stop by on the way to lunch, or after I pick up the kids from school.” Well not in the islands. If you plan to do anything at the bank, it better be all you have planned for the day.

I needed to open a personal account and complete an application for a debit card for my company account. Fortunately, there is now a token queue and I don’t have people pushing and reaching over and around me. Now I just wait for my number. However, I had to take four tokens today. My applications either had an error or my passport copy was not enough, they needed to see the original passport. David was trying to open a personal account too. The system is so meticulous that I could not open my personal account until David opened his and he was required to “introduce” me to the bank even though I signed his application to “introduce” him…. I represented the company. We laughed all the way through it… mainly to keep from loosing our cool. The company account requires a “board resolution” to submit the application for the new debit card. So I am having a board meeting with myself tonight to resolve such an item. Crazy huh? Just another [full] day at the bank.

I made French Toast tonight for dinner. I’m pretty good at the breakfast food. I also googled “how to make iced tea.” Pretty easy…. just had never done it before. Too bad I dont have any ice.

Running is going pretty good. I am training for a marathon I will run in December. I feel really strong while I am running. Guess I need to kick up the mileage and pace. I am running about 30 – 35 miles per week.

Welp, guess that’s all. Can’t wait to reconnect with my family. Sure is quiet in the house.



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