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Just when you quit checking the blog…

Just when you quit checking the blog, we decided to post an update. I am sorry it has been so long. We have had some computer problems (this cant really be used as an excuse for lack of blog update, as there is a cyber shop just down the road) but I thought you might have some sympathy.

We bought a computer for the family to use for email and school just before we left the states. It is an HP and the mother board (really Nana it was the mother board) went out and has to be replaced. Fortunately there is an HP service center on the main island. Who would have thought? Certainly not me. Anyway, they have looked it over and are filled with good news and bad news. The good news is that it is under warranty so HP will pay for fixing it. The bad news is that the local service center has to order the part from Singapore (minimum 14 days.) More bad news… Singapore is out of stock of the specific part and will have to order it from the United States (minimum 6-8 weeks.) I called HP service center in the USA through my skype account and told me that I could not send the computer directly to them. Anyway, we dont know what we are going to do, but I guess the family can use the computer I use for the company. We will manage. Just another flaming dart to dodge.

We are on the fourth week of school and seem to be adjusting well. We found a children’s library but have yet been able to check out a book. We had to fill out forms, take passport photos for library cards and yada yada yada but I think we will get some books this week. The kids are limited to 3 books each, but surprisingly there are some pretty good titles, but most of the books are very old.

We are in the fourth day of Ramadan. If you are like me, your not real sure what that means other than it showed up on your calendar every year and was a religious holiday. Well let me tell you it is very interesting over here. All of our Muslim friends here are participating in the religious season by fasting. They fast from 6 AM until 6 PM. Its really crazy as the government offices dont open until 9:30 AM (normally 7:30 AM) and shut down at 1:30 PM (normally 2:30 PM). Some places are closed all day and do not open until evening. It seems like everyone stays up much later in the evening eating and partying together. One of our friends said they eat breakfast at 3:30 AM. One of our friends told us that a good Muslim does not swallow his own spit during the fast. They are already night owls, but Ramadan puts a whole new meaning to staying up late. As a foreigner here, it is difficult to find a place to eat during the day. So far, I only know of two places in the capital city that are open for lunch. I was told today that during this month that they will not serve locals during the day. I asked if that mean that the locals just dont come, and they told me “no, we refuse to serve them.” We are learning a lot about what my new friends believe.

As far as weather goes, it has been rainy and cloudy the last week or so. While the rain is a nuisance, the clouds bring a nice break from the heat rays.

We are expecting guests in October and November. Our guests in October live in South Asia and our November guests are from Texas.

I will try to get back into the swing of things and update more often.



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I am Bobby Cox. I write and keep photos in a blog because I want a record of my journey. I share it in hopes that my life might be a blessing to others.

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