Late Nite Snack
We're now sharing our small apartment with two nocturnal animals. Last night one of them came to visit me! I woke up about 3:30 am to the sound of a rustling plastic bag. In a dazed and confused frame of mind, I was thinking, “great, now we have a mouse in the house. Something always happens when Bobby is away that I'm too chicken to handle! Too groggy to get up and investigate, I decided to give Mr. Mouse the space he was already inhabiting. That was after I had spent some time contemplating his size and ability to scamper! At least if I could hear him in the corner of my room, I knew he wasn't in bed with me! As I laid my head back on the pillow, the thought crossed my mind, “I wonder if it could be one of our hamsters. Nah. We left them last night in closed cages.” But I couldn't go back to sleep. That thought became bigger and more probable in my mind. I knew which cage to check first. Buzz. He's the one most dissatisfied with his cage right now because he doesn't have an exercise wheel. Sure enough, found the cage door wide open. Last night he had too much time on his little paws and nothing to do! At least I knew it was a friendly rodent behind my dresser. By 4 am, I had coaxed him out and put him in the cage with a wheel to occupy the rest of his night. A very short night for me! This morning I found a very gnawed up electrical cord that he had for snack last night. Whew – could've had fried hamster when we woke up this morning! Daddy, can't wait for you to come home!