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Out of the Hospital

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening. The entire medical field works differently on this side of the world. For example, I told the doctor I was ready to go and she discharged me. I dont pretend to know more than the doctor, but I am not sure if she had plans to let me go anytime soon. I am pretty sure this is how it works. I left the hospital with a bag full of medicine and instructions to drink a minimum of 3 liters of water per day. The sisters (that’s what they call the nurses) told Angie she was my supervisor and to make sure I rested, took my medicine, and drank plenty of water. I had to go back this morning for another blood test. Just another “poke” in the skin. I guarantee my veins are starting to look like swiss cheese. The blood test results were good. The test showed my platelet count is back on the rise. I think I have just about beat this thing. However, if I stand up for very long, I get dizzy and really weak. It will likely take 3 or 4 more days before I can function again. I didn’t ask her about running. I had finally got back in the habit of running and I could run the island (3.5 miles) in 29 minutes or so. Dont worry all of you worriers, I dont plan to run for another week and half or so. By they way, I am not really proud of my running pace. Its all I can do to get all the way around the island without stopping at a 8:15 pace. Last June I could run 3.5 miles at 6:50 or 7:00 pace.

We have a lot going on, it is amazing how it all hits at once. We bought furniture while we were in Thailand (it is about half the price of here) and had it shipped to us. Our furniture should be delivered tomorrow. Its not like Sears is showing up in a furniture truck either. I have coordinated between 3 or 4 guys to arrange for a boat, a truck, and movers to move the stuff to our new apartment. I talked to the apartment guy today and he said, “The apartment is almost finished, and you can go ahead and put the furniture in the apartment.” We are supposed to move in on the 20th of this month. This is the same day that we have some friends coming for a visit. Our friends are from Dubai. This really works out good because now they can stay in our old place.

I think I told you all that my office flooded. I am not real sure how this happened. I didn’t even get to see it. Angie told me about the night I went into the hospital. Unfortunately my modem sat on the floor and did not know how to swim. I also had a air conditioner added to the office. The AC works great as long as the sun is not shinning. I guess because my office sits on top of a building and is exposed to the sun (and apparently the rain) the windows are not strong enough to hold in the cool air and keep out the cool rain. Because of all of this, I have decided to move me office. I am not sure how all of this is going to work out, but Ziad (my really good friend) has offered me some space to rent for an office. Ziad just built a new office for he and his staff and has offered me his old space. It is on the main strip and will work perfect for me. This may take a month or two to get this going, I will keep you posted.

Well I do thank you for your thoughts about me while I was sick. Mentally, I feel fine, but physically I am just weak. I have my first clients coming in November and I have a lot of work to do to get them here. Please pray that I will regain my strength and have the patience to not try to get back too quick.



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