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Sorry to leave you hanging…

The stomach bug finally found me despite my efforts to squash it. However, my refusal to puke won. I felt that funny feeling in my stomach and my jaw had the weird feeling like it was preparing for the worst. I think you know what feeling I’m talking about. Anyway, I held my ground and by midnight, I was feeling much better. Felt like a new man the next day. Maybe it was all psychological… not real sure. Poor Kindy lost the battle many times… including once that left that “special” smell all through the house. Perhaps that is why my stomach felt that way… who knows. Any way, enough about that… we are all better now.

I head back for the islands next week. I am really getting excited about my trip. I have visited with several people and have made arrangements for the tour groups coming to the islands during my stay. I talk with my friends often on the phone and through email. They are ready to see me and I am ready see them. There is a lot of stuff going on politically in the islands. The first free election took place today. It looks like there may be a run-off between the top two candidates. Who knows what will happen.

One of the tourist groups coming to the islands is doing a basketball camp with the school on my island. I am really excited about the opportunity to give back to my island community. Our hope is to start a basketball league for children beginning in Feb of 2009. This will be so good for the island as the kids need organized activities to help them make good choices. Also this will give me an opportunity to meet many new parents and make new friendships with people.

Cant believe I am saying this, but I miss the heat and humidity too.



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