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Spring Cleaning

I decided today would be a good day to do a little spring cleaning in my office. We did a little rearranging this week and and that always leads to cleaning up and reorganizing. I am fairly organized, but sometimes a little bit lazy on filing things. I filed the files today. I have a tray that sits near my desk where I temporarily put my to be filed files. Well sometimes temporarily terns into a couple of months. Filing the files led to cleaning out my desk drawers, backing up computer files and trashing a bunch of stuff. Awww it feels so good to have it all cleaned up.

We thought we were going to have a guest stay with us in our home for a couple of months, but it looks like that is not going to happen. We are thinking about letting our kids have their own room. Sounds kind of funny saying that. If we were living in the USA, I don't think our kids would be sharing a room. I think they are ready to have their own room again.

We are heading to the main island tonight to celebrate David's early birthday. Yeah, its next week. Not real sure why we are going today, but I'm not arguing… we are going to a really nice Thai restaurant. Yummy.



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