Still Alive and Kickin’
Well I thought I would give a little blog update since I haven’t done so in about 20 days. Lets see… where to start? Well we just had a tour group through here. It was a group from Tulsa. We took them on a boat tour to a northern atoll. It was a lot of fun and I made a new contact on a small island. I plan to go back in a couple of weeks and try to setup and island adventure on his island….it’s a great island.
Our friends Arey and Nasha invited us over for dinner the other night. However at the last minute we changed and they brought food and we ate it at our house. It was so good…. especially the chicken. It was a bit spicy, but I thought it was perfect.
While we were in Dubai, we bought a stove and a washer. We finally got them today. We were so excited until we realized the stove didn’t have an electrical cord and we didn’t have the right connections to connect the water line to the washer. Kind of deflating at the end of the day. Maybe we can find what we need tomorrow.
We had dinner tonight with the new family from down the street. They were nice to invite us over and we had a great time. They fixed spaghetti.
Angie has been having some pain and we thought it was a bladder infection. We have been going to see different doctors for the last 5 weeks with the issue. We finally went to the capital to the private hospital for some tests. They all came back like there is nothing wrong. So we are kind of at a loss on what to do. She says the pain is a lot less than before, but not all gone. We have decided to just pray it better. We believe in miracles.
I’ve got some pics from the last boat trip I will put up later this week… if I dont forget.
Well I guess that’s about all for now. We’re still kickin’.