Teeth and Soap
Angie took Braden to the dentist today. Turns out he does need braces. However, to his relief… not yet. He still has two more teeth to come in before they will put him in braces. I guess this gives a little more time to save huh? Braden really was not looking forward to having braces. The doc told us that they may need to pull one or two to make room for some other teeth. Braden said, “Well that settles it for me… I'm not getting braces.” Well, I think it is inevitable little man… so get ready to have your pearly whites all lined up.
After the dentist she was picking up a few groceries. Just the other day I mentioned to her about how I missed the smell of Zest soap. Well guess what she found? You guessed it… Zest soap. So she picked up a bar and took it to the counter. She noticed that all the other soaps were anywhere from 3 mrf to 12 mrf in cost (about 30 cents to $1). The Zest was marked 140 mrf. She thought this surely was a mistake and should be 14 mrf. When she got to the counter she was shocked to find that it was not a mistake. So we she promptly put the $10 bar of Zest back and settled for a 12 mrf bar of soap.