The Tree!
Well, it’s something like a tree, anyway!! It’s our first “Charlie Brown” tree, and we love it. The task of celebrating our very favorite holiday in a place that doesn’t even acknowledge it seemed at first an impossible task. It began in mid-November, when I was shopping at a fabric store with a friend, and we spotted some brilliant red material that reminded us of Christmas. I decided right then that we would at least have stockings and bought one yard of it. Once my “creative juices” were flowing, I bought fabric paint and embellishments for the stockings. The cutting went easily, and I soon had 5 stocking patterns (ours, plus J’s) to sew together. Only my mother knows what kind of a seamstress I am, so let’s just say that a friend with a sewing machine did the stitching and I kept her company!! I added trim to each stocking, and one Thursday night (our Friday, since we have school from Sunday to Thursday!), we put on a Christmas CD (thanks to Melissa Bryan and the GA’s) and decorated to our hearts’ content. Each stocking is personal and unique and very festive! Our next task was the tree. We’ll save that story for another day!! Stay tuned!