Tuesday Morning Football
What used to be a Monday night tradition in my home in the states has turned into a Tuesday morning tradition. I have to get up at 6:00m to catch the game and go into the office a little late, but I can watch Monday Night Football live on ESPN. I was shocked when I learned that MNF was moving to ESPN this year. So now both Sunday night and Monday night football I can watch. Life is good.
A couple of nights ago there was a bad accident on our island. If you remember in previous blogs, I mentioned that it is about a 15 minute walk to the ferry jetty and our house. Well there are 3 or 4 taxis that shuttle people back and forth and there are a lot of motor bikes going up and down the road. While the speed limit is 30k/h, nobody obeys the speed limit and nobody enforces the speed limit. O-yeah, there is a bus too. So the other night, there was a motor bike sped around some other motor bikes to pass just as a taxi sped around the bus to pass. The taxi and the motorbike had a head on collision. It was very traumatic here as they don’t experience things like this. The boy is in ICU on the main island and has been given a 5% chance of living. It is very sad. Both the motorbike and the taxi were going 70+k/h. The driver of the taxi is ok, but turns out he is the boys uncle. It really is overwhelming for this small community. The mangled motor bike and taxi now sit behind the commercial units. Every day I have seen boys gathered around looking at the bike and shaking their heads. Please remember the family involved in your thoughts and prayers.
Angie and Kyndal had an afternoon on the beach with a new friend. We have some new “white people” living near us. They have a 5 year old little boy. They are from Canada and work with the Air Taxi company here. For the last three days, Kyndal has had younger friends come to the door and ask for her. This is really and answer for us. We have been wanting her to connect with other girls her age and it is finally happening. Before all of Kyndal’s friends were over the age of 16 and this Daddy is not too happy with that. Anyway, these girls were on the beach today too. So yippee new friends and families to visit with;-).
In previous blogs, I talked about running around the island. It is 3.5 miles around the perimeter of the island. Before I got dengue, I was running pretty regularly, but the sickness really wiped me out. Angie and I started back on Sunday. I run while she rides the bike. Sometimes Braden rides with me, but I am always running. I am going to try to get a 5k run together on the island. There are a few others that run, so just another reason to connect with new people. I don’t think they have ever done anything like this, so talking to business owners about sponsoring will be really good for us. Ok, one more thing about running and I’ll stop. The Tulsa Run was one of my favorite runs ever. Well the Tulsa Run is a 15k run in late October. I have decided to run the Tulsa Run from here. I am going to run the island 3 times at the same time they start the run in Tulsa. Sounds like fun huh? If anyone else is interested in running it with me (via your own running route) email me or post a comment and I will post the start time and date. We can all then post our own times, etc. Well, I think its fun, but I am weird like that.
By the way, I wish you could see the full moon reflect off of the ocean here. With the moon, clouds and ocean in the back ground and the palm trees in the foreground, it makes you really recognize the artistic creativity of the Creator.
Simply blessed,