The kids (and Angie) got me a new watch for Father's Day. When I opened it up, and tried to set the time, I couldn't get the minute hand to move. When she purchased the watch, the salesman told Angie that we could exchange the watch if I wanted. So when I took the watch back today to exchange it for a working watch, the guy said we only had 24 hours to exchange it and Angie (like a good wife) bought the watch a week ago. I was so mad. I had a non-working watch that the store would not exchange. I wont go into all the ways I tried to convince the supervisor of the store, but I will tell you that I told him I was never coming back. I gave him my very unhappy and dissatisfied face. He really didn't seem to care. He kept telling me about the store policy. I told him his policy was stupid and that his policy should be to keep customers happy, not cheat them. Oh yeah, I said I was not going to go into all that. If only my sister had been here. I'm sure she would have made him eat it. Yeah, I mean really eat it. Like he would have needed a toothpick to get tiny watch parts out of his teeth. So I told the guy that I had a policy too…. “Never to go in his shop again and tell all my friends to adopt my new policy.” He still didn't seem to care. He actually said thank you as I stormed out of the place.
So tonight as we were sitting on the couch, Angie, still frustrated with the ordeal decides to open the billboard size instructions that was folded 86,000 times into a wad no bigger than a postage stamp. If the watch store wont help us, maybe Timex will. She was reading the details of the warranty. Unfortunately, the warranty told us to go back to the shop. I was not interested in this plan…. I had a policy. The fine print said that the warranty is not valid if the watch was not purchased from an authorized Timex dealer. I'm fairly confident this is the case. Angie was still frustrated and said that she would go back to the store. I told her that her going to the store would also break my new policy. She left the room to put the kids in bed. I decided to read the details about the watch. (You see where this is going now. huh?) Well two thirds of the instructions are in another language. The one-third remaining is in English and three-fourths of the English instructions are instructions on how to tell time. (Kinda weird) Anyway, I reread the instructions on setting the watch and guess what? Yep, you guessed it. The watch isn't broke. I learned how to move the minute hand. The watch is now set to 9:40PM and everybody's happy. We are still not going back to the watch shop… ever! They're meanies.