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World Cup

The World Cup has become a big part of our lives. I have to admit, this is only the second time I have followed the World Cup. Soccer (aka football) is a really big deal in most parts of the world… was not as big of a deal in my life in the USA. We have followed most of the matches and will be supporting the USA later today in hopes they make it to the knockout tournament. So I have a couple of observations here…

I am not sure who is responsible for this, but Voadafone is a huge sponsor of the World Cup and more specifically the tellestrator – the technology that allows the announcers to move people around on a illustrated screen and show how the players will line up. So when they say “tellestrator” it sounds more like “tell-a-stray-ta” and when they say “South Africa” is sounds more like “South Afri-cker.” It sounds so funny to us. Maybe somebody could explain that one to me.

We have also become quite taken with the Coca Cola Celebration Commercial. I thought I would include it here.

So watching the celebration video a couple of times got me thinking about other celebration videos and I stumbled onto the Chicago Bears Shuffling Crew. Do you remember the Superbowl Shuffle? Well if you don’t here you go.



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